Grant Elementary School
The purpose of this urban greening project is to design and build a multi-benefit space which will revitalize Grant Elementary School, by converting the 30,000 SF of asphalt into a park-like educational environment with trees, a grass playing field, drought-tolerant plantings, and habitat-rich plantings.
Our Plan
Currently, the playground area is a bleak asphalt plain that absorbs and reflects heat, contributing greatly to the Urban Heat Island effect.
This project will:
• Create 0.7 acres of greenspace
• Sequester 158,433.9 pounds of carbon over the next 40 years
• Sequester 242,058.1 gallons of runoff
• Decrease energy use by 70,592.1 kWh over 40 years
• Capture 236.4 pounds of nitrogen dioxide and 10.6 pounds of
• Save 13,655,800 gallons of water over 40 years

The Urban Greening Program is funded by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds
According to the County Department of Parks and Recreation, Los Angeles has a median of 3.3 acres of park space per 1,000 people, well below the median of 6.8 acres per 1,000 people in other high-density U.S. cities. Across the county, 41 of the 262 neighborhoods have less than 1 acre of park space per 1,000 people. In the neighborhood where Grant Elementary School is located, there exist only 0.03 acres per 1,000 people available.
We intend to design and build a multi-benefit project which will revitalize Grant Elementary School, by converting the 30,000 SF of asphalt into a park-like educational environment with trees, a grass playing field, drought-tolerant plantings, and habitat-rich plantings, including the creation of several forest-like multi-purpose outdoor learning zones. The project is designed as a joint-use facility. The hope is that management by the City Parks Department or others will utilize the site after school, in the evenings, and on weekends.
The construction planning for this project includes employing CCC Corpsmembers as part of the construction crew to provide an opportunity for them to increase their marketable skills.
Concept Playground Greening Plan