About The Project
Water Capture Project at Yvonne B. Burke Sports Complex (Baldwin Hills, CA)
Funding: Prop 1, Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement
This project will manage existing site runoff from the 20-acre sports complex and, where feasible, reuse stormwater, irrigation, and dry-weather flows, on-site.
Over the last two years, we have completed an engineering survey from which a topographic base map and a boundary survey were created. A geotechnical investigation was completed to determine soil conditions. The design concept, including the configuration of drainage and conveyance systems and any possible detention arrangement, as well as other functional, aesthetic, and landscape design concepts, is complete.
This project will address the runoff problem onto adjacent city streets as well as prevent runoff into Ballona Creek and conserve significant amounts of water.
An additional benefit of this project is that from its inception the construction planning included employing CCC Corpsmembers as part of the construction crew to provide an opportunity for them to gain valuable construction skills.